How to Grill Pizza

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This is a picture of how to grill pizza

Grilling Gals Summer Series is back with a family favorite PIZZA!  Pizza on the grill is one of those recipes that everyone think is going to be extremely difficult and not worth the time, that ordering that $30 dollar pie from down the street will just be easier. Think again folks, cooking pizza on the grill is easier then you could ever imagine and I’m here to tell you all the short cuts and ways to make it happen. This summer we are spending so much time outside in the pool so we love to grill whenever we can.  If one parent has to go inside to make dinner while we are in the pool, Ruthie always misses the one thats leaving. When we grill and everyone stays outside, she is a happy girl! We also just got Milo a little beach chair with a tray so he will be able to eat with us outside now that he just starting eating! More on his first foods to come but for now, back to pizza!

This is a picture of how to grill pizza

Pizza Grilling Tips:

  • Most grocery stores have pre made pizza dough in the deli section or by the cookie dough, this is a great option if you don’t want to make your own dough from scratch
  • Pre made pizza sauce will make it quick and easy
  • You don’t have to buy a million ingredients, look what you already have. Lunch meat, veggies, canned pineapple and any cheese
  • Make sure you have all your ingredients prepared and laid out before you start grilling. The dough only takes a few minutes to cook so keep an eye on it.

This is a picture of how to grill pizza

You are going to need some refreshing desserts and drinks to go with this grilled pizza:

Paleo Fruit Tart with Lemon Curd

Blended Pineapple Rum Punch

PB & J Nice Cream Bites

Honey Strawberry Lemonade

This is a picture of how to grill pizza

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This is a picture of how to grill pizza

This is a picture of how to grill pizza
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How to Grill Pizza

By: Kelsey
Servings: 0


  • pizza dough
  • oil
  • pizza sauce
  • mozzarella cheese
  • toppings


  • Preheat grill to 500 degrees.
  • Roll your dough out to about 1/4 inch thickness or whatever thickness crust you like.
  • Lay out a piece of parchment paper and pour about 1 tablespoon of oil on the paper and rub it all over to coat.
  • Lay the rolled out pizza dough onto the oiled paper, then pour another tablespoon of oil onto the dough and rub it all over to coat.
  • When the grill is preheated, lay the dough down on the grill and peel off the parchment paper.
  • Cook with the lid up for 2-5 minutes (depending on thickness), until the bottom looks cooked.
  • Flip the pizza dough over then immediately start to add sauce, cheese and any toppings you like.
  • Then close the lid so the cheese can melt and dough can finish cooking for about 4-8 more minutes.
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About Kelsey Preciado

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