Episode #3: New Baby Bliss?
on Jun 05, 2019, Updated Apr 02, 2024
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In this episode we talk all about our experience during our first months new parents. We go over when we each first felt like parents, how we balanced baby duties between us, and the things that brought us joy when we were exhausted and overwhelmed!
For more info about my labor and delivery, recovery, products we used and everything else, check out this blog post.
Photos from the episode:
The time Ruth pooped on Matt in the Target parking lot… this is what made it down to the seat… most was covering dada 🙂
Little baby Ruthie at her 1 week check up!
This was when Ruth was maybe 3 weeks old. We had crazy cabin fever and needed to get out!! Matt said, drink those beers girl, so I pumped and saved the b-milk for a milk bath (it’s still in the freezer), and we had a great time. I put on some real clothes, a little makeup and it made me feel human for the first time postpartum. Get out!!
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